Imperium Solo is a USB to joystick adapter, intended for using USB gamepads, like DualShock 3/4, XBOX One controller on retro computers.
It’s also possible to use USB mouse.
For now the project only supports the Amstrad CPC range of computers, but I plan to make firmware updates for use with other retro computers.
The firmware is updatable by pluggin in an USB stick/drive (FAT32) with the correct file when the adapter is powered on.
Special supported controllers are only DualShock 3, DualShock 4, XBox One controller and SNES USB controller.
Other USB HID controllers should work by using my generic HID parser, but controller mapping may not be ideal for those.
So I hope to add more controllers with the help of feedback from users.
USB Mouse is also using my generic HID parser, which atleast works with the 5 different USB mice I had laying around.
At a point I made a custom mouse mode, with 5 bit resolution for delta values making it possible to get much better mouse feeling(proportional mode).
This may be implemented to a later firmware update, if there is demand (it will need adapted software to be usable).

Below you can see a video of :
- Installation/Connecting (notice most other retro computeres have power on the joystick port, so will not need DC splitter cable like the Amstrad is using)
- Playing a game with USB controller
- Playing a game with USB mouse
- Playing a game with TWO usb controllers
Will update later with documentation (controller mapping, firmware upgrade etc).
Lastly expect another update, when I add firmware for the next retro computer.
I would like to acquire an adapter for usb controllers for amstrad cpc…
It’s possible?
I’m from Barcelona (Spain)
I await an answer,
thanks and best regards!
I have sent you an email.
Right now hotmail has a problem with my mail server, so please look in your “Junk” folder. My reply should be there.
Otherwise write another post here and I will contact you via another email address.
Definitely have to go on my shopping list as I’ve only a couple of sticks and they’re all a bit rubbish!
Can you fire off an e-mail for me so I can get one?
Email was sent.
Please let me know if it did not arrive.
Great work. I am interested. I live in Greece. Can you please send me information about cost?
Email was sent.
Please let me know if it did not arrive.
Hallo, I would be inerested in that adapter too. Could you please send me a email too ? Thank you
Email sent. Let me know if did not arrive. (Check Junk).
Hello, I am from Spain, I would like to buy an imperum for me amstrad
Greetings Duke. I want to buy Imperium Solo. My email is xxxxxxx. Please tell me how I have to do to buy one of them.
Email sent. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Greetings Duke. I want to buy Imperium Solo. I’m Hector Gonzalez Prieto. I have not received your mail. I’m waiting to buy
Please check “Junk” folder. Hotmail seems to not like my email address!
Hey Duke,
I would also like to order one.
Hi Duke! I want to buy one usb adaptor. Please let me know when it Will be ready and cost/shipping. Regards.
Email was sent. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Hi Duke.
I would like to buy one. Send me a mail please for further information about costs and shipping.
Email was sent. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Did’nt receive your mail. Even not in spam folder. Please try an other mail address.
Thank you
Hi there,
I’m interested in finding out the price of this, and hopefully buying one very soon.
Does this support two or more buttons?
It would be amazing to be able to map keyboard keys to additional buttons, but that’s wishful thinking, for playing Renegade.
Mapping up and down to buttons would also make driving and platform games easier to play.
Sent you an email with price.
It supports 3 fire buttons for regular Amstrad CPC and 2 fire buttons for Amstrad CPC plus.
There is also auto fire for fire 1 and fire 2.
Additionally there is mapping for UP+DOWN and LEFT+RIGHT each in one button, meaning as this is normally not a possible combination (to go up and down or left and right, at same time) it could be used as extra buttons in new games or patching of old games.
I’m intyerested in one for the C64 (will it also support ZX Spectrum Kempston interface? in theory they’re the same, right?), I’m from Spain.
For C64, as it is now you will need to have an external 5V power supply. I do not sell these, but it should be easily obtainable.
As for Kempston interface, it should work with some atleast. It depends if the common pin 8 (is ground or VCC). It needs to be ground for the Imperium Solo to work.
I dont have any kempston interface, so the above was just from a quick google search.
thank you so much for making this idea a reality. I would like to order one for my cpc, using paypal, destination France.
Hi Duke,
Thanks again for your amazing work! I would like to order one. Can you please send me the info?
Claudio (from Spain)
Hi Duke,
Loving my M4 board still, and would love to complement it with one of these. Please can you send me the details?
Hi Duke,
I’d be interested to know how much you want for one Imperium Solo with shipping to Canada?
Best regards,
Price for Imperium Solo is 15 euro + shipping and pp fee.
Email sent.
Hi Duke,
I would like to order the following:
-Imperium Solo – Amstrad
-M4 Board
Destination Austria.
Hi, I would like this Imperium Solo – Amstrad and the new M4 board with all the extras please. I have the original, but hoping for more memory.
hello duke ;Great work. I am in interested. I live in Frances. Can you please send me this custom adapter thank you great
Email sent.
Hello, i recently make alive my old 6128+. But hard to find some controllers…
I live in France. Can I make an order for one or 2 imperium ?
Thanks a lot
Yes, you can. Thanks.
Email sent.
Hey! Absolutely gorgeous – would love to use the CD32 with XBOX Controller 🙂
Tell me what the costs are for the kit to self assemble or already assembled are. Shipping to Germany included.
Currently regular Amiga is supported, and I plan to implement the CD32 extra button functionality this weekend, but as it is right now CD32 specific firmware is not ready yet.
Cost is:
Imperium Solo, 15 euro
Shipping (unregistered), 4 euro
Paypal fee, 1 euro
Will email you shortly.
Hi Duke
Can I order 1 for the Amstrad, please?
I live in the UK
This is great invention, it is amazing.
I would like more information about this and the M4 board for the Amstrad CPC 6128Plus. Please.
I live in Spain.
Thank you.
Is there a site where this may be purchased?
PS. I saw your device on Amigos Retro Gaming youtube channel.
This is the way. If one leaves a message here, I will email you back with info’s.
I don’t have a site for selling these.
Email sent.
I also found about this adapter from the Amigos Retro Gaming YouTube channel. I am interested on purchasing one. Their review sold me right there.
Please e-mail me all the required info.
I am assuming that the proper firmware needs to be uploaded in order for the device to use all features such as the second fire button on the Amiga for example.
Are there any plans to release a single firmware that could be switched between different mode using a use mouse such as the Tom Adapter does?
Thanks again for developing this product.
There is a firmware for each target, Amiga, Amstrad, Atari ST, C64, CD32 & SEGA MD/GENESIS. You can download them here: look under firmware downloads.
I don’t have any plans to combine them into one single firmware, there is simply too many differences between some of these machines.
Email sent.
I’m interested in buying an Imperium Solo for my CPC
I’m from Spain.
Can you email me the details?
Hi Duke!
Thanks again for these great gadgets!
Can you email me the details to purchase from spain two Imperium solo for Amstrad CPC and their corresponding Y cables?
By the way, can you provide a Joystick Y cable as well?
Hi Duke,
Great work. I am interested. I would like to acquire an adapter for usb controllers for Amiga…
It’s possible?
I’m from Slovakia
I await an answer,
Hi Duke,
I would like to buy one of these.
I am from France.
Hello, is it still possible to acquire one ?
Yes it is. Lead time is about 5 weeks.
Email sent.
Hi. Will one of these work on a GX4000? If so, I’m interested! Cheers.
It will work on GX4000, but only if powered via 5V powersupply.
Hello Duke,
i am also interested for Imperium solo for my many systems. I know i will flash the firmware accordingly.
Posting to Greece.
PS: I also sent you a msg for M4 board for 6128.
Best Regards
Hi Duke,
I also would like to buy one of these.
I am from Italy.
Hi Duke;
I would like to buy one of these for my Amstrad CPC 6128, please send me mail for information about price and shipping costs, I’m from Spain.
3 years ago I bought an M4 too for my 6128.
Hi Duke
is it possible to have one ?
it would be a nice add to my M4…
Heelo, i’d like to buy an Imperium Solo – Amstrad fort my old CPC.
Can you tell me how to do and how much doest it cost ?
Is it possible to get as well the Y cable ?
Hi, congratulations for your incredible job !
I am interested by your Imperium solo for my Amstrad CPC. One question : if I want to play at a two players game (like Double Dragon for example) with my 6128 old, can I plug two of theses ?
Thanks !
Hola buenas noches, mi nombre es ignacio , un amigo me hablo de ti en un foro y me encantarÃa hacerme con uno de tus ” juguetes” imperiun solo para mi amstrad gx 4000.
Me puedes dar precio, vivo en Bareclona , gracias y un saludo
Hello good evening, my name is Ignacio, a friend told me about you in a forum and I would love to get one of your imperiun “toys” just for my amstrad gx 4000.
Can you give me a price, I live in Bareclona, ​​thanks and greetings.
Email sent.
Please notice that for GX4000 console, you need to use 5V powersupply to feed the console to use Imperium Solo.
hi, I would like to buy one Imperium Solo for my CPC, shipping to switzerland. Thanks a lot
Email sent.
Hello, I would like to buy a unit of Imperium Solo for my Amstrd cpc 6128 and the shipment would be for Spain, I hope to hear from you and thank you. Regards
Email sent.
Hi Duke!
Interested in Imperium Solo for CPC. Does it include the Y splitter cable? Shipping to Spain.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Duke,
Hope you are doing well.
I would like to order 2 Imperium Solo (for Amstrad and Atari).
Thank you very much for your work
Hello, nice project. I have a cpc 464 and I would like to order one piece of this interface
Hi Duke!
I am interested in Imperium Solo for AMSTRAD CPC 6128. Shipping to Spain.
I hope to hear from you and thank you.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Duke,
I would like to order 2 Imperium Solo (CPC and CD32).
I live in France.
Thank you very much for your work.
Email sent.
Hello I want to buy 1 imperium solo for cpc 6128. I live in Greece.
Email sent. Sorry for late reply!
Hi Duke,
I would like to order 1 Imperium Solo for a CPC 464.
I live in France.
Thank you very much for your work.
PS: I requested also one M4 board for a CPC 464.
Hi Duke,
Would be interested also by the Imperium Solo for Amstrad cpc 6128
Is the splitter included ?
Also interested by the M4 board wifi Amstrad cpc 6128. Edge connection on my computer.
If I can buy those two items, send me an email 🤞
Awesome jobs !
Great job, Duke!
Is it possible to order an Imperium Solo for an Amstrad 6128?
Best regards
Hello any news about my order? Thanks for your time!
Hi. Could you give me price and details for buying an imperium solo usb adapter for my cpc ? I live in Valencia , SPAIN.
Best regards
Hello Duke,
Would like to but this adapter for my cpc 6128. Living in France
This is very impressive. I would also like to buy this adapter for my cpc 6128. If possible, would you please share the details per email ?
Hi Duke,
I’d be interested in buying a couple of these.
Hi, are these still available?
I’d like to purchase one in the UK.
Thank you.
Hi Dude,
I would like to order one Imperium solo for amstrad, do you have any available ?
Cheers, Zx / Ludo
Hi Duke, I am still using my M4 board you gave me, such a great bit of kit!! Now, how do I get one of those USB to 9PIN joystick adapters please?
Hello, are these still available and are you shipping to Australia?
Would love one for a CPC464
Hi Duke,
Hope you’re well.
Would need one for my amstrad cpc464.
Does this support an option to attach 2 USB Joysticks via a USB Hub?
Or is a joystick y-cable needed and a second imperium?
I own only one old 9pin Joystick would love to attach 2 Joysticks at once for dual player mode 🙂
So if you got and it is needed a y-joystick cable, the imperium and a power y-cable.
I would like to purchase it to send to Germany.
I also send you a comment for the M4 Board. Would love to add also one to my collection. Looking forward to the snapshot feature.
I send you already a comment in the m4 board section.
So if available you can send all together.
As for the Imperium Solo, it does only support one USB device. So if you wanted to use two USB joysticks, you would need two Imperium Solo‘s. On CPC464 you would also need a joystick splitter to have two DB9 ports. Rest I have replied over email.
Just got myself a cpc128….cant go back to the old controllers, are you still making and shipping to Australia?
Hello Duke,
I hope you are well.
Are the Imperium Solo USB adaptors available? I’ll buy one if I can.
Thank you,
Hello Duke,
I have a CPC 464, I would like to order the Imperium Solo USB. Could you give me more details? I live in Spain.
Thank You!
Hi Duke, have you started making and shipping these again?
I’m keen to get one for my CPC, thanks!
Would you mind telling me how much it would cost for two of these to be shipped to Slovenia?
Hi Duke,
I hope you’re doing well, I’m still loving the M4 board!
I would like to purchase 2x Imperium Solo boards when you’re making the next batch please.
Hello Duke,
I hope you are well.
Are the Imperium Solo USB adaptors available? I’ll buy one or two if available.
Thank you,
Hi! Do you still build them on demand? I am very interested in purchasing one. Thank you!
Hello Duke, are you still making these? Would love one for my CPC 464! Please let me know if I can purchase one.
Hi Duke!
I‘d like to buy one for my CPC 464. Shipping to Germany.
Mange tak!
Just wondering if i still have a chance to get one…
Hi, I’d like to order two for Amstrad please when available.
Hello Duke,
I am interested in buying one of the USB to DB9 adapter’s for my CPC 464.
Do you have any in stock and can you ship to Australia?
Hi Duke. I want to buy Imperium Solo.
Hi Duke. Recently I received the M4 Board for my amstrad and I am delighted. I think it’s an incredible device and I’m really enjoying it. Now, i would like to receive the Imperium Solo for Amstrad. Tell me how I can receive it. Thank you very much and continue to surprise us.
I am really interested in one of these Imperium Solo adapters for Amstrad. Do you still sell & send them? It would be sent to Spain.
Thank you
I’m interested in one of these “Imperium Solo adapters” for an Amstrad CPC6128.
Seeing that the news is from 2019, I don’t know if they are still for sale.
I hope to hear from you.
Kind regards
Thank you.
Hey Duke,
I am also in for an Imperium Solo Adapter – shipping to Germany.
Hey Duke
Really love the M4 Board. I’d be in as well for an Imperium Solo if you would consider going for a few batches soon.
Many thanks,
Arnaud, from France 🙂
Hi Duke,
I am interested in one of these Imperium Solo adapters for Amstrad. It would be sent to Spain.
Best Regards
Hello Duke,
I am interested in a few Imperium Solo adapters for Amstrad CPC, are these still available?, if so, send me the details. I am UK based.
Many thanks.
Hello Duke, it would be great to get an imperium solo for my Amstrad CPC 6128. I live in Germany and i really appreciate your great work for our beloved old machines 😉 can i please order one adapter? Best Regards Alex
Hi Duke,
Another great project!
I’d love to buy one for my CPC 464, if you still have some available.
All the best,
Estupendo hardware!
¿Cómo puedo comprar una unidad para AMSTRAD CPC6128?
Best regards!
Hi Duke,
I would be interested in buying one Imperium Solo usb adapters for Amstrad cpc 6128.
Looking forward to reading you.
Hello Duke. Love your projects. I have a M4 Board and its amazing.
I’m creating an Android app (amateur project) to run the games from it. It’s free and open source
Hope you like it and you can download and change the code:
In other hand, can I buy one of the Solo Imperium usb?
I’d like to play for real on my old Amstrad CPC 6128 plus but my controllers are dead.
How can I acquire your precious invention?
Thanks in advance