Imperium Solo USB – Amiga CD32

A new firmware for the Imperium Solo USB now adds support for the AGA Amiga console, CD32.
All original controller buttons are supported (granted your USB controller has enough) – See the CD32 mappings in the Imperium Solo Database .

The CD32 was a little tricky, like the SEGA MD/Genesis as it has more buttons than wires. So it switches between regular joystick mode and an “Assert , CLK, serial stream”-scheme to give information about the extended buttons.

Here is what it looks like on the scope:
CD32 serial CLK

Lastly a short video showing it in use:

Notice that I made a seperate site for Imperium Solo, here:

Where you can see the database of tested Game controllers and mice, along with their button mapping.

23 thoughts on “Imperium Solo USB – Amiga CD32”

  1. Hi there, this is amazing, how much are they? And does the cd32 version also support amstrad and sega?

    1. The CD32, AMIGA, ATARI, C64 & SEGA version is all same hardware, with the coming PCB you can configure it via 3 jumpers and then flash it with the firmware you need.
      The Amstrad version is a little different.

      Price is 15 euro + 4 euro shipping + 1 euro pp fee.

      1. When will this version be available, and where do I purchase from? Will you ship to Canada?

        1. It will take some weeks after order confirmation before I can have one ready (they are built on demand).

          Email sent.

          1. Hi Duke can you put me down for one bud you make the best toys still loving my m4 board

  2. Hi Duke, i am interested in Imperium Solo USB, especially to use on the Amiga CD32. I will have one when available.


  3. Hi,
    I’d like to buy some Imperium Solo and M4 boards.
    I hope they are still available

  4. Hi,

    Are there are any issues with using two at once in the same CD32?

    If not, and you still have some, please could I order two?

  5. Hi there, if still available, Iā€™m also very much interested in buying one of these amazing M4 boards for my 6128.

  6. Hi Duke. I’m interested in ordering an Imperium Solo for my CPC, if you’re still making them.

  7. Hi @Duke,

    How do I purchase the M4 board for an Amstrad CPC464 and how much are they?

    Also, fo you make the cases and fo you stick the necessary cable?

  8. Hi @Duke, apologies for typos in earlier message, it was supposed to ask whether you make the enclosures for the M4 and whether you stock the necessary cable to connect it up to the Amstrad.

  9. Hello, Duke!

    I’m interested in buying a M4 board.
    Could you please send buying instructions, price and etc. to my e-mail?


  10. Hi Duke, I am interested to get the latest Amstrad CPC M4 board available, 2.0.7 revision I think. Thank you

  11. Hi Duke, I just found this site recently and I am interested in an Imperium Solo for Amstrad CPC. Do you still sell them? Thanks a lot in advance.

  12. Hi Duke,
    great project.
    I would like to order 3 pieces for Schneider / Amstrad CPC.
    Would that be possible? I would be very happy.
    Many thanks in advance šŸ™‚

  13. Hello,

    I would like to order one with the cpc version but 5V on DB9 pinout and without Y splitter, is it possible

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